Oregon House Invocation

My prayer to open the 83rd Session of the Oregon House of Representatives this morning at the gracious invitation of Speaker Julie Fahey:

Good morning, whatever your faith tradition, I invite you to join me in a moment of reflection and prayer.

Spirit of Life and Author of Love, we gather in this space as people of different faiths and political parties, of various ideologies and national origins, of separate genders and race, of many professions and social groups. Amidst all these differences let us never forget that we are united in our love for this state and country, our commitment to principles of democracy and our desire to represent the people we serve for the common good of all. In such a spirit of unity even when we may not agree on policies and budget priorities, may we always strive to be honest, truthful and respectful, working to resolve differences when possible, and as difficult as it may be, to put as much or more effort into listening to opposing voices as we do into making our own voice heard. Help us always to set an example for the people of Oregon. Where there is hatred, let us not stoke it but respond with love and goodwill; where there is ignorance let us not reward it but provide education and accurate information; where there is hardship and suffering let us not ignore it but offer empathy and support that turns thoughts and prayers into action. We think especially this morning of friends, colleagues and family members in Southern California and our dedicated first responders who have put aside their differences to fight the fires alongside others from around the nation, asking not what are your politics or your religion or your sexual identity, but how can I help? May we here be of such a mind as we too work for the common good. Finally I ask for blessing upon these elected leaders of our state that in fulfilling their civic duties in this hallowed building, that they may be a shining light of democracy and prosperity, decency and goodness, liberty and justice for all. Amen.

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